Applications are invited for initial recruitment to the following posts in the Home & Tribal Affairs Department of the Government of Balochistan.
Don't wait for the last date—apply online today!
Age Calculation: Age will be calculated based on the closing date for receipt of applications.
Local/Domicile Certificate: Candidates must submit a local domicile certificate of their district. For married female candidates not already in Government Service who wish to apply based on their husband's domicile, a certificate containing her name is required. In-service candidates must provide a domicile certificate endorsed in their service record.
Vacancy Fulfillment: The Government reserves the right to not fill any vacancy or to fill more or fewer vacancies than announced.
Zonal Allocation: Vacancies are allocated according to the Government of Balochistan's Recruitment Policy of 1991.
Experience Requirements: Relevant post-qualification experience (with valid documentation) is required. Part-time, honorary, apprentice, and intern experience will not be considered.
Eligibility: Eligibility will be determined after the screening/professional test/examination. Applications found ineligible during scrutiny will be cancelled, regardless of examination results.
Viva Voce Test: Candidates passing the written/MCQs test will be called for a Viva Voce Test covering:
- Current Affairs: Recent important events/issues.
- General Knowledge: Related to Balochistan, Pakistan, and international affairs.
- Islamic/Religious Studies: Questions about daily Islamic issues, the life of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), and the Khulafa-e-Rashideen. Non-Muslim candidates will be asked questions relevant to their religion.
- Pakistan Studies: History from 1857 to the present.
Document Submission: Candidates qualifying for the viva voce test must submit verified and attested documents, including photographs, academic certificates, CNIC, experience certificates, and domicile certificates, within ten days of notification from BPSC. Failure to submit correct or complete documents will result in rejection.
HOME & TRIBAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT (Counter Terrorism Department, Balochistan)
- Corporal (B-14)
- Total Posts: 293
- Kalat Zone: 59
- Mekran Zone: 134
- Minority Quota: 49
- Women Quota: 51
- Qualification: Graduation (14 years of education) with at least 2nd Division or 1.8 CGPA from an HEC-recognized institution.
- Physical Fitness:
- Male: Height 5'5", Chest 31x32.5", Endurance Tests (running, chin-ups, push-ups, sit-ups)
- Female: Height 5', Endurance Tests (running, sit-ups)
- Age Limit: 18 to 28 years.
BALOCHISTAN POLICE (Coastal Highway Police N-10, Balochistan)
- Assistant Sub-Inspector (B-11)
- Total Posts: 07
- Nasirabad Zone: 02
- Quetta City: 02
- Women Quota: 01
- Minority Quota: 02
- Qualification: FA/FSC with valid driving license/skills.
- Physical Standards:
- Male: Minimum Height 5'7", Chest 33" x 34".
- Female: Minimum Height 5'3".
- Age Limit:
- Male: 18 to 25 years.
- Female: 18 to 35 years.
CLOSING DATE: 2 October 2024 (Wednesday)
a) Application Submission: For BPS-16 and above, apply online via BPSC's website. Hardcopy applications are not required. For those without internet access, applications can be submitted by hand or mail to BPSC, Quetta by the closing date.
b) Test Documents: Bring original CNIC, Treasury Receipt (Green Challan), and downloaded Admission Certificate/Roll No Slip to the Screening/Written Test.
c) Roll No Slips: Candidates applying by hand or mail will receive their roll no slips by post and SMS.
d) Admission Certificates: Available on the BPSC website and through SMS.
e) Application Fee:
- For BPS-14 and BPS-11: Rs. 600
- Deposit: In the State Bank/National Bank of Pakistan in Balochistan or authorized government treasury. RCO/District-wise codes are available on BPSC’s website.
Avoid engaging with anyone offering undue favor in the examination or interview. If approached, report immediately to:
- Madam Mudassir Asrar, Member (BPSC)
- Mr. Khalid Baloch, Member (BPSC)
- Mr. Sher Khan Bazai, Member (BPSC)
For further information, contact:
- Phone: 081-9203142 / 081-9201572 / 081-9201562
- Website:
Phone No.: 081-9201507
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